Yes, I'm back from camp!!!!!
haha.. I wish Jodi was there lol....
never mind la.. her sister very sick lol..
330 she going to be on the way alr but she gotta send her sis to clinic...
I wander if she's ok lol...
ok back to the topic!
The trainers are also very nice!
Got handsome ones you know?!
hahaha... Marcus was calling himself handsome la, sexy la, super cute la..
hahaha but he is handsome.. :D
JK(Jing Kai) was the nicest of all!!! He was our trainer! We all bully him like that hahahahah......
actually i was very stupid la. I took Taxi to school but took mrt from school to home.
DUMB RIGHT?! Very heavy lor...
thr first day we had ice breaking and song session... very fun lor...
I , Katherine and Serene was in the same group.. lol very fun lor!
Katherine and I were so hyper and Serene was like so quiet..
haha she so cute la... Oh ya, Sebester ask for her number lae, but she only give her msn but he very what lae , go and see my book.
ok , back to the track. we had dinner b4 song session and then had supper , but i didn't eat. Then go shower.
Oh ya, The Raymond guy was like"If you all keep talking, I'll cut your shower time!"
WTF right?
I slept between Charline and Limin.
Oh ya, on the 1st day, we saw this cute guy. his name is Hwa jie( Flower Sister )
hahaha.. the name damn funny for a handsome guy la...
hahaha .. and Limin was like " Hwa Jie is mine ok? Don't u dare steal him"
lol! hahaaha she so cute... We slept at abt 1 plus la...
next day I woke up at 5 , my boi clock. Wake everybody up cause i dunno the time and then we all were early. O ya, The malay girls up stairs were so noisy we all cannot sleep...
They scream and shout and laugh like it's her grandfather's camp site like that..
FUCK right? and then next day we ate breakfast and had to do area clearing, ab-sailing, Rock climbing and this thing, you have to climb up to this very high pole and you have to walk on these long logs without holding onto anything. scary.
Then had lunch and went for dragon boating. Fun Sia. Got second position cause they all cheat.
Next, Shower and dinner.
Went for night hike .
We were suppose to walk in a group forming a straight line without using torch light in a jungle. Not actually jungle la. It's a very small one.
Very creepy you know.
Then when we reach the field, the scenery was vwry Shiok.
Lots of stars and can see the sky very clearly.
The breeze was mesmerizing... but very cold.
Later, I became a human pillow. Katherine and serene on my hand, Jing fang on my belly and Shina on my thigh.
I got warmer la. Their head so warm. Went back, ate super and slept.
Next day, breakfast, Area cleaning then Bukit Timah Hike.
Very fun lor!A lot of time Slip la but still fun and very very tiring...
Next, OUTDOOR COOKING! So shit la. Made Meggy Mee successfully . But others were having NASI BRANI AND CHICKEN DRUMSTICK WITH CURRY!!!!
later went for challenge pole, The trainer trick us , say never do that cannot do flying fox but in the end, got no time.
Challenge pole was also fun la. Climb onto very high pole and try to jump and catch the handle that is about 170 cm away from you. Scary abit la...next was team building but we discuss abt the presentation item for the camp fire. Our group was not very cooperative. Cristen got very pissed off and of course me.
Oh ya, without knowing I took charge of the whole thing lol...
Natural talent lor... hahahaha.. JK jk jk.
Shower time was cut off. No shower b4 camp fire.
Nexty we had camp fire. b4 that we got our camp T. Nice la. Not bad. I scream so loud until the trhoat very pain.. Oh ya.. We did some butt shaking. the trainer Marcus was like saying" Repeat after me!" Then we all did and then he said " Do what I do!"
then started shaking hiss butt and whole body... hahahahaha ... very funny lor... then teachers also must do! hahahaha.. Mr V. was really shaking hiss butt!!!!
hahaha very funny lor.... We all also sand this
Marcus: Baby Baby I love you.
Us: Alibaba~
Marcus:Baby baby can't you see?
Marcus: Baby baby ( something something)
Us. Cinderella
Then malay version.
Marcus: Bao bei, tong si jai na li?
Us, Wo pu Ji thao.
Marcus: bao bei, bao bei wo ai ni.
Us: ni han hao xiao.
marcus: bao bei, thong si bu zhai la.
Us: Ni kai wan xioa.
lol, Radom!
after presenting our item, we had supper then slept.
Next woke at 6 30.
Had morning stretching game then had breakfast then area cleaning. found under wear and shorts and track pants in the boys dorm.
Then final debrief then see who won and home sweet home!!!
Lol... I carried my heavy bag all the way... very tired. bought Mac take away and now blog to update :D.
Bye!~ ♥
Jan 15, 2009
Gossip time♥
Posted by ♥ at 9:37 PM
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