I hate to say I love you but I have to admit it.
You have been toying with me for so long and I didn't realise it.
I'm such a sucker to not know that you are a fucker.
It was always me who gave in to you but you never ever gave a thought about me.
it's really over now, this time. I will completely focus on my studies and forget about being with you.
I've been forcing myself lately to be on time for school, to do homework, to look happy and listen to everything my mom says.I really don't want to hurt my mom anymore, I don't want her to feel that way ever again. I realise that i have been fooling around for a long long time already. I have to pick myself up and be mommy's good girl again. It's good I cut my hair because I look horrible now, so I won't have to even consider dating.I hope mom feels better, more encouraged. I will try my best to do well in my exams, I believe I can do it. It's just that I need some supports. Mom, I love you
P.S I love Mala too (:

I found this while doing a project, the D&T one
hahaha, so explict XD
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