Jun 7, 2009

when you're lost and no one's there to guide you

hello peeps!
i know you missed me.
sorry that i wan't able to update lately
it's cuz i was very busy and my bro is making life very hard for me
by taking the laptop out with him whenever he goes out.
hmph! ): stupid right.
Oh yeah, have been going to Orchard lately, to send the laptop to my stupid bro.
hahah, saw alot of hunks there.
and they are sooooo wasted on those girls.
sigh,i was going go up to them and get their nos
but I decided to let those girls have and easy time.
after all, i'm the best girl around, hahahaha, jk
yeah,lotza hunk. I was practacilly drooling. XD
I'm gonna edit my skin and have more fun ^^