Haha..OMG!! I'm so happy.
I met Mala, Wiwi and Asmira yesterday!!!!
Ryan wanted to come and meet my besties but i guess that would be awkward :)so he didn't
Diana couldn't come becoz of her mom.. She was at home. Why?!
anyways, (I think wiwi is postint this too :) and maybe mala)
We met up at topayoh macs.
I was like making my IC too so I had to go to lavender and then I thought i was late but happens that I was first..
So i just went to the POSB bank to update my bank passport:)
then went back and found Mala there ,
She'd like sitting there totally scared that she has to wait an hour,, haha,, I waited 3 be4.. Anyways, I went totally siao, so happy to see mala:D:D:D
Mala was eating half way so i bought a MacSpicy meal too and it so happened that the quality went down....
sad but haha Me and Mala were joking and I so happened to knock my head several times against the wall.. hahah.. I wander if my IQ went down..
and ways.. halfway eating my burger dropped and then we laughed our head off...Then we happen to hear this "lady" saying "cheers, I wish you a long life, a good career and blah blah blah... hahahahahahah!!! we were so laughing heads off ppl might think we're siao.... Then Mala and I went like imitating her.. Talk about retardness...
Then fianally Asmira arrived..
And then we went to popular and mala wanted to buy Show Luo's CD and wiwi and i were saying no but asmira said yes. I managed to persuade mala for a while not to buy the CD.
anyways we were indecisive about taking transport to Angmokio So we took MRT there :D:D:D haha so fun :D:D:D
I wanted to watch the ember city but decided not to.
we took Neo-Prints and happens that we were not ready so i decided to blanja them another one haha.. anyways they were great..!
went to buy my skinny and then walked around bought food to eat and Mrt-ed back to topayoh and I founf 2 more nice pant and bought Mala, Wiwi and Asmira bought shirts..
Then went back to popular and Mala still bought the CD.. and I waited to see Asmira's Bf and rushed back home.. haha... turned out well i guess:D:D:D
My ex asked me out for movies . I said yes.. Ain't I nice:)
Dec 2, 2008
Posted by ♥ at 10:24 PM
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