Dec 31, 2008
heart's gone numb
ok.. it's new year eve alr huh?
my holiday is horrible ..
haha... maybe like what maen says, whenever i call.
the person will say " aiyo, May again" and beep, "busy"
ok.. let me tell u my dear blog, rather my diary...
I rebonded my hair..
then i met up with Diana,(think i've said this alr)
Then I called her again, she was on holiday..
I was like wow.. holiday on 29 of dec?
cool.. then I went shopping with my mom...
My leg went totally weak when i got home..
haha.. the I found this bag, it was cute la... bought it.. I was supposed to buy another bag but bought it anyway 'cause my mom said she'll buy the other bag for me too .. around 16 jan bah..
then i saw this really high white heels.. it was outta stock so i left my contact and name... they'll contact me and my mom would pick it up,,,
haha .. omagine me wearing heels... maybe i'll keep falling get swollen ankles or sth..
i was supposed to go shopping with ryan but sth came up so i didn't..30,
studied after my badminton practice... ok la.. io watched movies , was supposed to go with ryan but he said he's not going.. and the some body who was supposed to go with me also don't wanna go alr.. sad bah?
so i watched it alone. twilight. and guess what i met inchira...
then said gd bye so watch the movie... and guess what/
the cinema's movie player crashed..
tough luck..
31. today la.. didn't go to badminton practice.. i actually watched yes man and Twilight(again)..and the whole day went... gone...
my friend wanted to go to movies with me on 31 , so i asked maen cause she said when we go to movies, must have a cute guy...
haha... so i asked maen... he said not sure... so i canceled with my friend..
then i was joking with maen la.and he said " hehehe.. ok la.. i'll go" hahah sad thing was i alr bought the tickets.. then went home, ate, watched tv and blogged.. ok.. mommy's gonna be back so i g2g...
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! including my diary.. :)
gd bye...
Posted by ♥ at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Dec 23, 2008
here again fianally:)
Aiyo how i miss school no, not really la.
I miss the fun times,
I miss BHPS more though...
ok,I actually went out with Ryan, my ex and a guy i don't know..
it was fine la..
Was so sick cause i wore short pants and i was already sick, so it got worse,
anyway, i went out with Diana too :D
was so fun trying on clothes everywhere...
hahaha.... Mala , Wiwi and Asmira would never have done that!
Found Jodi's blog finally..
miss her man,
miss her stupid talks and her angry stare....
haha... I WANNA WATCH YES MAN!!!!!
broke la...
my momma so bad she got me grounded again...
confiscated my phone, com and money...
how good is that!!!
haha but I'm smarter, I know their password.
evil ...
:)I love her though:D
bye bye! ♥
Posted by ♥ at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Dec 2, 2008
Haha..OMG!! I'm so happy.
I met Mala, Wiwi and Asmira yesterday!!!!
Ryan wanted to come and meet my besties but i guess that would be awkward :)so he didn't
Diana couldn't come becoz of her mom.. She was at home. Why?!
anyways, (I think wiwi is postint this too :) and maybe mala)
We met up at topayoh macs.
I was like making my IC too so I had to go to lavender and then I thought i was late but happens that I was first..
So i just went to the POSB bank to update my bank passport:)
then went back and found Mala there ,
She'd like sitting there totally scared that she has to wait an hour,, haha,, I waited 3 be4.. Anyways, I went totally siao, so happy to see mala:D:D:D
Mala was eating half way so i bought a MacSpicy meal too and it so happened that the quality went down....
sad but haha Me and Mala were joking and I so happened to knock my head several times against the wall.. hahah.. I wander if my IQ went down..
and ways.. halfway eating my burger dropped and then we laughed our head off...Then we happen to hear this "lady" saying "cheers, I wish you a long life, a good career and blah blah blah... hahahahahahah!!! we were so laughing heads off ppl might think we're siao.... Then Mala and I went like imitating her.. Talk about retardness...
Then fianally Asmira arrived..
And then we went to popular and mala wanted to buy Show Luo's CD and wiwi and i were saying no but asmira said yes. I managed to persuade mala for a while not to buy the CD.
anyways we were indecisive about taking transport to Angmokio So we took MRT there :D:D:D haha so fun :D:D:D
I wanted to watch the ember city but decided not to.
we took Neo-Prints and happens that we were not ready so i decided to blanja them another one haha.. anyways they were great..!
went to buy my skinny and then walked around bought food to eat and Mrt-ed back to topayoh and I founf 2 more nice pant and bought Mala, Wiwi and Asmira bought shirts..
Then went back to popular and Mala still bought the CD.. and I waited to see Asmira's Bf and rushed back home.. haha... turned out well i guess:D:D:D
My ex asked me out for movies . I said yes.. Ain't I nice:)
Posted by ♥ at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Dec 1, 2008
today was fun :)
haha.. today, i used the guest account to post this..
anyways, Ryan @ Thadar was do funny.. haha.. we were messaging and happens that he fell asleep last night while watching movies.. it went like this
Ryan : hello. Wow. I fell asleep while watching telivision. haha.. (television?haha)
Me : haha is it? i never fell asleep while watching tv before. Only feel sleepy.
Ryan : Haha. Weird .Eh. Still so sleepy.
Me : haha.. me too. still in my bed . lazy to get up :)
Ryan : haha. Get your butt up girl. I'm going to wake up too haha..(wtf, did he juz say that?)
Me : Lazy la. Feel good staying in this position.. don't wanna get up
Ryan : Wtf. Haha. Lol. You get up or else. haha
Me : Else what? you goanna eat me? haha
Ryan : Yeah. HahaI'm going to eat your heart out.
Me : alright. i'm getting up. Anyways if you're gonna eat me, you gotta go through my chest, so if you touch, I shout molest! haha
Ryan : I'll duct tape your mouth. haha (scary!)
Me : I'm strong ya know. haha
Ryan : Haha. I'm stronger. Haha. Lol. I'm hungry.Lol.
Me : Cook cook. I can cook. Eat eat. You can eat. haha (RANDOM!)
Ryan : Yeah yeah. let's do it. let's do it. cook cook.
Haha.... That was random! and he's so funny! saying lol right after saying haha.. and doubles lols too!!! No I'm not criticizing...
and and got more to say.. next post bah :)
Posted by ♥ at 1:25 AM 0 comments